Occidental Births a Monster
At Occidental College in 1981, a loner snorts cocaine and smokes marijuana, secretly hoping to one day become someone important. His dream - and much more - comes true when Satan appears, promising the world. There is one caveat, though, as a deal with the Devil requires consideration. In this case, not just the delivery of the young man's soul, but millions more...
With an agreement procured, Satan and his new protege - O.B.A.M. - plot, plan and scheme a long term agenda that ultimately ends with the United States presidency, transforming the Earth's greatest democracy into a communist fiefdom, ruled by a ruthless dictator. But how does a cokehead college loser make such an incredible leap? It begins with a transfer to the Ivy League prestige of Columbia University, then law school at Harvard, followed by a stint in the non-substantive role as a Chicago "community organizer." Guidance, on Earth, will come from a satanic ally, Chicago preacher, The Righteous Reverend, who will serve as the budding leader's uncle and mentor, even performing the young man's marriage and the baptisms of his children. O.B.A.M., no doubt, will trick the masses with a Satan-created-mantra of "hope and change." As a powerful orator, he will ascend, via a meteoric trip, to not just the presidency of the United States, but as Satan's Antichrist leader of the world.
Written by bestselling authors Kenneth Del Vecchio and Andrew Gause and directed by Rod Weber, O.B.A.M. Nude is a Faustian satire that exposes this soul-selling path of a troubled, but highly ambitious and intelligent man. Starring Kenneth Del Vecchio, Andrew Gause & Rachael Robbins
Produced by Kenneth Del Vecchio
Directed by Rod Weber
Story by Kenneth Del Vecchio
Screenplay by Kenneth Del Vecchio & Andrew Gause
Executive Producers Andrew Gause & Lawyer Nicholas
Critically Acclaimed Filmmaker & Best-selling Author
Film Festival Chairman & former Judge
“As usual, Mr. Del Vecchio was larger than life.”
-The New York Times
Kenneth Del Vecchio is a critically acclaimed filmmaker who has written, produced and directed over 30 movies that star 100+ film and TV stars, including multiple Academy Award and Emmy winners and nominees. His films are distributed through industry leaders such as Sony Pictures, NBC/Universal, Anchor Bay, Millennium Entertainment, Cinedigm, Screen Media Films, Vivendi Entertainment, Green Apple Entertainment, and E-1 Entertainment. He has starred in numerous movies, as well. Mr. Del Vecchio is founder and chairman of Hoboken International Film Festival, called by FOX, MY and other major media "One of the 10 Biggest Film Festivals in the World." He also is the author of some of the nation’s best-selling legal books, including criminal codebooks published by Prentice Hall and ALM. A best-selling criminal suspense novelist, he penned his first published novel at only 24-years-old. In addition, he is a frequent legal/political analyst on Fox News and other major networks, and he is the owner of the Criminal Law Learning Center, where he has taught thousands of police officers and lawyers…And he is a former Judge, who also has tried over 400 cases as a practicing criminal attorney.
Kenneth Del Vecchio’s filmography includes: The Life Zone, Scavenger Killers, An Affirmative Act, Price For Freedom, Rock Story, The Savant, Snapshot, Bleeding Hearts, Cries of the Unborn, Blue Lives Matter, O.B.A.M. Nude, Joker’s Wild, iMurders, Kinky Killers, The Grand Theft, Fake, Hospital Arrest, Renaissance Man, The Great Fight, 15 Rounds, Four Presidents, Puppets, Aberrant, Real Gangsters, Three Chris’s, Alone in the Dark 2, The Drum Beats Twice, Pride & Loyalty, Tinsel Town, Here and There, The Crimson Mask, and Rules For Men. His novels are Pride & Loyalty, Revelation in the Wilderness, and The Great Heist (his most recent novel). And his legal books include: Code of Criminal Justice: A Practical Guide to the Penal Statutes (national criminal codebook), New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice: A Practical Guide to the Penal Statutes, New York Code of Criminal Justice: A Practical Guide to the Penal Statutes, and Test Prep Guide to Accompany New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice, with numerous others in the works.
For more detailed information about Kenneth Del Vecchio, including critical reviews and press quotes, please visit www.justiceforallproductions.com & www.hobokeninternationalfilmfestival.com.
Justice For All Productions
Critically Acclaimed Filmmaker & Bestselling Author
Film Festival Chairman & former Judge